My Journey

Healing my body and reclaiming my life became my number 1 priority, after an autoimmune disorder that was left unchecked for years, nearly took my life. Diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, I was informed I'd be dependent on medication indefinitely, and sentenced to a life devoid of normalcy due to the absence of a cure. For the ensuing 34 years, I dedicated myself to learning the art of self-healing. Today, I stand liberated from the confines of doctors, medications, and dis-ease, having transcended the limitations of the Western medical model. Through this journey, I cultivated a profound trust in my body's innate wisdom and its capacity for healing, emerging as a beacon of health and vitality.

My Journey

I suffered from chronic health issues throughout my youth, though I maintained a relatively healthy diet, laying a foundation of gratitude for my early upbringing. However, at 16, a shift occurred. Succumbing to peer pressure, I abandoned wholesome foods for processed and fast foods, in a quest to fit in with my peers. This transition triggered a cascade of health issues—weight gain, cystic acne, disrupted digestion, hormonal imbalances—manifesting over three tumultuous years.

At 19, as I embarked on furthering my education in massage therapy and nutrition, my health deteriorated drastically. Digestive shutdown led to a rapid decline in my well-being, culminating in a life-threatening hospitalization. The diagnosis: ulcerative colitis, a sobering revelation of the consequences of neglecting my body's needs. Disheartened by the conventional medical prognosis of lifelong medication dependency, I resolved to chart my own path to healing.

Rejecting the prescription for anti-inflammatory drugs, I embarked on a journey of holistic exploration, disentangling myself from the confines of toxic Western medicine. Through dedicated self-care and holistic therapies, I experienced a remarkable turnaround, liberating myself from the shackles of an incurable disease.

This transformative journey crystallized my mission—to empower others with the tools of regenerative healing, harnessing the body's innate wisdom to achieve profound restoration and vitality. Guiding individuals in reversing chronic illness and dis-ease, my approach revolves around regenerative detoxification and nourishment, facilitating healing on all levels—from cellular rejuvenation to soulful renewal.

Training and Education

New Mexico School Of Myo Art - Licensed Massage Therapist 1991 - 34 years

Colon Hydrotherapist - 2005

Certified Hatha Yoga Teacher - High Desert Yoga Teacher Training - 200 hour - 2006

The Wholistic Kinesiology Institute - Certified Wholistic Kinesiologist - 2010

Wholistic Kinesiology Institute - Teaching Assistant in 2012, 2013, 2014 , 2015

Advanced Wholistic Kinesiologist - 2015

Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner Certification from AADP - 2015 - Current

Institute Of Regenerative Health - Triple Certification Program 2023 - Certified Regenerative Health & Detox Practitioner, Clinical Iridologist & Clinical Herbalist

Regenerative Root Healing - Regenerative Healing & Iridology Private Practice 2024

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